
Important info

Pups For Sale
Important info
Sold Pups
My Dam's
My Studs
Dogs 10 commandments

Remember, the puppy is fragile and must be treated like a baby for a few more months. Be very cautious when you take the puppy outside. Keep the puppy away from public parks where dogs defecate until the puppy is fully vaccinated. Do not let your puppy come into contact with another dog unless you know that dog is fully vaccinated. Do not walk your puppy near wooded areas where raccoons, squirrels or predators may live. Owls and hawks are bad about getting tiny dogs. Never leave them unattended outside alone. Important: Your young puppy is not the new play toy for your neighbor's dog which might carry all kind of health problems just waiting for a new host. Don't pass him around with other people till he is out of his puppy stage, 5-6 months, this type of activity causes extra stress on the pup which may cause many unwanted health problems or worse. (Getting dropped). Please be very careful in the decisions you make for your new puppy, Passing the pup around (#1 cause of death is dropping the pup on a hard surface), small children holding the pup without supervision (#1 droppers of pups) or children carrying the pup in the wrong manner (cutting off the air supply), big dogs may seem gentle, but I have been heartbroken over many stories of a bigger dog killing a Yorkie for the fun of it, or over food. Falling out of a car or truck when you open the door to enter or exit, (#2 cause of death) A collar with a bell is a nice safety addition when the Yorkie is out and about with you, just to remind you of their presence or a rubber band around your fingers to remind you that your little buddy is in the car. (I use cat bells available at pet-smart) Common sense and double checking is the best medicine. Never restrict food or water from your healthy Yorkie. Something to eat and drink should be available 24/7 for your pup. Never put a pup under 1 year of age on a feeding schedule, food and water out, always. THE RIDE HOME- Puppies may become car sick during the first couple of trips in a moving car. Consider taking another person along to hold your new puppy. Bring a towel along just in case your puppy does get sick. Puppies will let you know before they get car sick by dry heaving. THINGS YOU MIGHT EXPERIENCE THE FIRST FEW DAYS- Your puppy may be a bit nervous (the puppy is no longer experiencing familiar sounds and smells). This is an unsettling feeling and will end in 3 to 5 days. Nervousness or change of diet & water may cause diarrhea. If it lasts for more than two days, please contact a veterinarian. We use "Endosorb or Pepto Bismol" to stop diarrhea. 1.5 CC by mouth will stop diarrhea in 12 hours. Not eating for the first day. Very Important! If your new pup will not eat in the first day after getting him home, Try our "Feeding routine" if that does not work, you will have to force feed your pup any human, meat, baby food any flavor except turkey. Start squirting small amounts ( 1 to 3 CC's at a time) into the far back corner of the pup's mouth, taking a break about every 3 times for the pup to stand up and get composed. The pup can eat 15 to 20 CC's at one serving, 3 to 4 times a day, or 2 jars of baby food daily. Smaller amounts more times a day is better if you have a sick pup that is throwing up. Try 5 CC's, several times daily instead of the larger amount all at once. Put unused food in the fridge for next feeding. Many times the pup will have to potty after this. Afterwards, place the pup down close to it's heating pad and make sure fresh water is available 24-7. This situation of not eating sometimes happens when the pup gets stressed from leaving their litter mates. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES FOR SMALL BREEDS- During the first two weeks of getting the pup home, give the puppy a little time to rest each and everyday. They need "Time out" daily and sometimes you have to make them take a nap just like a human baby. If you have small children wanting to play with the pup, you must teach them that the pup needs some time to itself, to eat & rest. (3 to 4 hours out of 12 daytime hours)

Congratulations on your new family member. I know that all the excitement of getting your puppy, you may have overlooked some of the important points to insure your new puppy of a long, healthy and happy life.

Puppies health-

All pups that leave here must see a vet within 48 hours (business days).

You must take your new pup to the vet within this time to activate your pups 1 year congenital defect guarantee. If anything life threatening is found to be wrong with the pup, it will be replaced with another puppy. The vets findings have to be in writing and I have the option to get a second opinion.

All pups have had at least 1 vaccine.

 Feeding routine-

Always leave out dry dog food and water 24/7. Treat food is offered here twice daily in a separate container bowl from the dry food. This consists of some sugared human cereal.

If pup doesn’t want to eat

1 tablespoon of Mighty Dog Chicken & Rice canned food, or little ceasers baby and one 1/2 jar of meat baby food, any variety but turkey. Then I squirt about a teaspoon of waffle syrup on top of all 3 items, do not stir-mix food items up. Let the pup pick which foods he likes best. I do this every morning & every evening till they achieve 2 to 2.5 lbs in weight. If you do this religiously, you will not have to give any Nutri Stat at all, we never use Nutri Stat any longer on pups that eat on this schedule.


For treats, give Honeycomb, cheerio’s or any sweetened cereal which they love and it is great for the prevention of a hypoglycemic event. Remember this is a treat, not a mainstay meal diet.


I give my Yorkies baths every Sunday and once a month with Pantene human hair shampoo, your Yorkie may only need to be bathed every 3 or 4 weeks with what ever you use on your hair. Many owners shower with their pups, towel dry them and then continue on with their shower then blow dry them on low heat be careful not to burn them.

A heating pad set on "Low" is a MUST have item for your new pup. Leave the heat pad on 24/7 with a towel folded and laid over the pad. Wal-Mart has these heating pads for $10.

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